Saturday 21 November 2020




By Peter T Egge


I am pleased to announce the release of my latest book, Murder was my Business – “The Lifers”.

This is my seventh book that I have written based on New South Wales Prisons during the period that I worked, mainly at the Long Bay Prison Complex during the 1970's up until the mid 1980's.

I have focused on 49 prisoners who had murdered or attempted to murder as early as 1952 through to the 1970's and 1980's. 

I do not know why but I enjoyed working with lifers far more than any other group of prisoners.  At the time, with the exception of just a few, I had no idea of the intimate information concerning the crimes they had committed.  I simply knew that they had murdered one or more persons.  It was better that way, not knowing, as it left me in a more professional position without prejudice against the prisoners I was dealing with on a daily basis. 

For the best part it is only recently whilst researching these lifers that I became aware of the actual crimes they committed.  In some cases I was simply astounded.  Many of the lifers you will know by name.  Some you may know by the crimes they committed and some you may never have heard of.  Let me assure you that I have researched these prisoners thoroughly and I believe every word in “Murder was my Business – The Lifers” to be true and correct.  You may be surprised to learn that seven out of the 49 prisoners that I have focused on were in fact sentenced to Death – to ‘Hang by the Neck until Dead’ and were later commuted to ‘Penal Servitude to Life’. 

I highly recommend this book to all the Prison Officers who worked with me during my career, current Prison Officers and those who are anticipating a career in Corrections, Psychologists, Criminologists and those people who simply love to read true stories involving murder with real names, places and factual cases, as well as what happened to these prisoners during their incarceration.

This I believe.

Peter T. Egge

Senior Assistant Superintendent – (Resigned)