Monday 30 October 2017



It is a pleasure to have a good story to report on in the New South Wales Prisons for a change.  For some reason, it seems to me it’s all doom and gloom.

The Prison Officer’s Union is the Public Service Association.  Their news magazine is titled ‘Red Tape’. 

I received my October-December 2017 issue this morning and I was delighted to see a wonderful article on two young Prison Officers who are working in the Department’s K9 Training Team. 

The dogs they are training were rescue dogs from Herds2Homes, a great organisation whose charter is to get rescue farm dogs and rehouse them. 

The dogs are trained and put to work sniffing out a variety of drugs within the NSW Prison system.  If we believe the publicity and I do, the NSW Prison system is full of drugs and therefore these two young dogs and their handlers should be of great value to the Department and to the public in general. 

The handler above is First Class Prison Officer Mick Campbell with his 22 month old kelpie-cross ‘Seb’.   Mr. Campbell undertook a four month intensive training course with his faithful companion Seb, who lives at home with his master.

Mr. Campbell is also shown in the photo below with his work colleague, First Class Prison Officer Greg Breeze and his faithful dog ‘Wilbur’ who is 21 months old and is also a kelpie-cross. 

Mr. Breeze is quoted as saying “Coming to work with your mates and these great dogs. It’s a good place to be”, and for my money, I could only imagine that it would be.

First Class Prison Officer Mick Campbell with his dog ‘Seb’ and First Class Prison Officer Greg Breeze with his dog ‘Wilbur’.

Photos and story in general courtesy of Red Tape – Public Service Association of New South Wales.

Simply a great story.

This I believe.

Peter T Egge