Wednesday 30 November 2016

Rumour Has It!

I have heard from a number of sources that Peter, (the prisoner’s friend) Severins, Commissioner of NSW Corrective Services, is skating on thin ice.   It is most unlikely that his contract will be renewed if not terminated in the mean time.

It has become more increasingly obvious that his advice continues to embarrass the Minister for Corrective Services.   The nonsense that comes from within the Department to the Minister, and subsequently the Premier, is beyond comprehension and without any real substance or purpose.

Mr. Severins must believe that the “old school” Prison Officers of yesteryear, are prepared to sit back and allow that disgraceful episode from Ms. Lauren Oliver to pass us by.

Let me assure Mr. Severins and the Minister, that this is not the case.   They can both look forward to this continuing until a satisfactory result occurs in fact I can guarantee that shortly, there will be a concerted effort to obtain a satisfactory result in relation to Ms. Oliver and Mr. Severins.

This morning on Chanel 7, there was an article from a young Prison Officer desperately trying to obtain recognition from those very brave Prison Officers who, at the risk of their own peril, rescued some Prison Officers locked in a cell within 13 Wing in the Metropolitan Remand Centre at the Long Bay Prison Complex in 1986.   It was a highly volatile and dangerous riot situation that the rescuing officers confronted.

I am reliably informed that Mr. Severins shook his head and said, “That was in the past so we’re not interested in it now” (paraphrasing).

If it were a prisoner that had carried out these outstanding brave acts, there is no doubt in my mind that Mr. Severins would have rushed to ensure the prisoner was recognised for his bravery.

Mr. Severins is a disgrace and embarrassment to the Prison industry.   He does not have an original thought in his head.    All of the programs he has put into place were tried in the 1970s and 1980s, many of which were a failure during that period.

If Mr. Severins and the New South Wales Government listened to the people whom they represent and who pay their wages, they would find the people no longer want their prisoners mollycoddled and millions of dollars squandered on useless and unsuccessful programs that have little or no value.    What the people want now is for their prisoners to be treated humanely but not living in luxury, especially when many of their citizens who we often find have fought for this country, are homeless, struggling to survive.

This I believe

Peter T Egge