Tuesday 24 May 2016

Detective Sergeant Roger Rogerson

In the 1970’s and early 1980’s, Detective Sergeant Roger Rogerson was without doubt was one of the best known and well respected Police Officers in the New South Wales Police Force.

He was a member of the Police Armed Holdup Squad and was often called in to assist with other major crime.  He was during this period touted to be a future New South Wales Police Commissioner.

D.S. Rogerson was heavily involved in two cases that I have written about in my new book Cutting the Bars – Volume 3, the first being the re-capture of prison escapee Gary Purdey who was my head sweeper in 3 wing in the Central Industrial Prison during 1975/6.   He was later transferred to Goulburn prison where he escaped in early 1980 from the low security section which is situated outside of the maximum security main walls with three other prisoners, Peter Haggart, Larry Foley and Ian Lochran.   For his part in the recapture of Garry Purdey, DS Rogerson was awarded the coveted Peter Mitchell Award.

The second case that I have written about that he was involved in was the infamous case of the murdered girl, Maureen Bradley, who was found in a septic tank.

I have read DS Rogerson’s accounts involving both cases and his side of the stories do not correlate with all other research I have carried out from reputable sources in relation to the facts surrounding these events.

Amazingly Detective Sergeant Roger Rogerson crossed the forbidden line and was later charged and imprisoned involving crimes unrelated to these events.

There is an old saying, ‘when you lie down with dogs, you get up with fleas’, and that is how I perceive the situation involving Roger Rogerson.

Sketch courtesy of Robert A Wood